
KEB Hana Bank (D) AG has moved to its new office on 25.06.2021 and will start its operational activities from 28.06.2021 at the new address: Bockenheimer Landstr. 33-35, 60325 Frankfurt am Main.


Bank of the Year 2015 - Asia Pacific

Selected by The Banker, the world's leading authority under financial journals.

2015 Bank of the Year in Asia Pacific

Latest News

  • New Location

    KEB Hana Bank (D) AG has moved to its new office on 25.06.2021 and will start its operational activities from

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Place of Business

Bockenheimer Landstr. 33-35
60325 Frankfurt/Main
+49 (69) 7129-0
+49 (69) 7129-122
Mo-Th | 08:30 - 11:30 & 13:30 - 16:00
Fr | 08:30 - 11:30 & 13:30 - 15:00